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Brit Anders Architektin
Katharina Bachstein M.Sc.Arch
Nadine Berger Dipl.-Ing. (FH) Arch.
Martin Boden-Peroche Architekt
Helge Böttcher Dipl.-Ing. (FH) Arch
Julia Domes Architektin
Grygorii Dziavoruk M.A. (FH) Arch.
Chris Eger Dipl.-Ing. Arch.
Maret Elxnat B.A. (FH) Innenarch.
Mario Erbs Dipl.-Ing. Arch.
Anne Eschrich cand.Arch.
Sarah-Lena Fritsche Rechnungswesen
Jens Georgi Office Manager
Dominic Geppert Dipl.-Ing. Arch.
Volker Giezek Architekt
Enrico Glotz Architekt
Daniel Goldner Architekt
Tilo Grau Architekt
Martin Hänig Dipl.-Bauing.
Armenak Haydeyan Dipl.-Ing. Arch.
Hongning Hu Dipl.-Ing. Arch.
Peter Jarisch Architekt
Sungwoo Kim cand.Arch.
Jana Kleyboldt M.A. (FH) Arch.
Paula Koppisch Dipl.-Ing. (FH) Arch.
Dominik Kratz B.A. Arch.
Alexander Krause Bauingenieur
Luise Krellmann Dipl.-Ing. Arch.
Friedemann Krieger Dipl.-Ing. Arch.
Johannes Kruschwitz Architekt
Alexander Kürbs Dipl.-Ing. (FH) Arch.
Mathias Lange M.Sc. Arch.
Amelie Langkutsch Dipl.-Ing. Arch.
Stefanie Lemmrich M.Sc. Arch.
Saskia Lorenz Dipl.-Ing. (FH) Arch.
Zoltán Magyari Dipl.-Ing. Arch.
Susanne Martins Architektin
Sandy Müller Buchhaltung
Sabine Pappermann Dipl.-Ing. Arch.
Laura Pestel Dipl.Ing. Arch.
Jörg Petrick Architekt
Corinna Prechtl Dipl.-Ing. Arch.
Johanna Raschke Dipl.-Ing. Arch.
Borbala Rosenkranz Dipl.-Ing. Arch.
Carlos Sandoval Architekt
Lutz Schneider Architekt
Franziska Seide Dipl.-Ing. Arch., Öffentlichkeitsarbeit
Janna Spitzer Architektin
Robert Sterzing Dipl.-Ing. Arch.
Yuliia Strelnikova Master of Architecture
Mathias Stumme Dipl.-Ing. Arch.
Stefan Süßmilch Architekt
Nicholas Thiele Architekt
Mariann Thomas Dipl.-Ing. Arch., Öffentlichkeitsarbeit
Tina Trompter Dipl.-Ing. Arch.
Stefan Truntschka Dipl.-Ing. Arch.
Ralf Walzel Architekt
Henrik Wiedemann Architekt
Mitarbeiter ohne bildliche Darstellung
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"security.firewall.map.context.contao_frontend" => "?" "security.firewall.map.context.contao_install" => "?" ] } -map: Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\Argument\RewindableGenerator {#416 -generator: Closure() {#417 : "ContainerCSX0ivW\Contao_ManagerBundle_HttpKernel_ContaoKernelProdContainer" : ContainerCSX0ivW\Contao_ManagerBundle_HttpKernel_ContaoKernelProdContainer {#135 …20} } -count: 3 } } -tokenStorage: Symfony\Component\Security\Core\Authentication\Token\Storage\UsageTrackingTokenStorage {#273 -storage: Symfony\Component\Security\Core\Authentication\Token\Storage\TokenStorage {#274 -token: Symfony\Component\Security\Core\Authentication\Token\AnonymousToken {#640 -user: "anon." -roleNames: [] -authenticated: true -attributes: [] -secret: "CSX0ivW" } -initializer: null } -container: Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\Argument\ServiceLocator {#275 -externalId: null -container: null -factories: array:1 [ "request_stack" => array:4 [ 0 => "services" 1 => "request_stack" 2 => "getRequestStackService" 3 => false ] ] -loading: [] -providedTypes: null -factory: ContainerCSX0ivW\Contao_ManagerBundle_HttpKernel_ContaoKernelProdContainer::getService($registry, string $id, ?string $method, $load) {#134} -serviceMap: array:1 [ "request_stack" => array:4 [ 0 => "services" 1 => "request_stack" 2 => "getRequestStackService" 3 => false ] ] -serviceTypes: array:1 [ "request_stack" => "?" ] } -enableUsageTracking: true } -session: Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Session\Session {#421} -trustResolver: Scheb\TwoFactorBundle\Security\Authentication\AuthenticationTrustResolver {#430 -decoratedTrustResolver: Symfony\Component\Security\Core\Authentication\AuthenticationTrustResolver {#431} } -roleVoter: Symfony\Component\Security\Core\Authorization\Voter\RoleVoter {#432 -prefix: "ROLE_" } -connection: Doctrine\DBAL\Connection {#387 #_conn: Doctrine\DBAL\Driver\PDO\Connection {#503 -connection: PDO {#502 : false : { : NATURAL : EXCEPTION : 1 : false : "mysql" : "Uptime: 15845628 Threads: 10 Questions: 14718822526 Slow queries: 0 Opens: 26689710 Flush tables: 3 Open tables: 8000 Queries per second avg: 928.888" : NATURAL : "mysqlnd 8.2.18" : "8.0.25-15" : array:1 [ 0 => "PDOStatement" ] : 1 : "db002119.mydbserver.com via TCP/IP" : false : BOTH } } } #_config: Doctrine\DBAL\Configuration {#344 -middlewares: [] #sqlLogger: null -resultCache: null #resultCacheImpl: null #schemaAssetsFilter: Closure(): bool {#345 : "bool" : "Doctrine\DBAL\Configuration" } #autoCommit: true -disableTypeComments: false -schemaManagerFactory: Doctrine\DBAL\Schema\LegacySchemaManagerFactory {#346} } #_eventManager: Symfony\Bridge\Doctrine\ContainerAwareEventManager {#302 -listeners: [] -listeners: array:7 [ "postGenerateSchema" => array:6 [ "00000000000001f80000000000000000" => Symfony\Bridge\Doctrine\SchemaListener\DoctrineDbalCacheAdapterSchemaSubscriber {#504 -dbalAdapters: [] } "00000000000001f90000000000000000" => Symfony\Bridge\Doctrine\SchemaListener\PdoCacheAdapterDoctrineSchemaSubscriber {#505 -pdoAdapters: [] } "00000000000001fa0000000000000000" => Symfony\Bridge\Doctrine\SchemaListener\RememberMeTokenProviderDoctrineSchemaSubscriber {#506 -rememberMeHandlers: Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\Argument\RewindableGenerator {#507 -generator: Closure() {#508 : "ContainerCSX0ivW\getDoctrine_Orm_Listeners_DoctrineTokenProviderSchemaSubscriberService" : { …1} } -count: 0 } } "_service_contao.listener.doctrine_schema" => "contao.listener.doctrine_schema" "_service_Codefog\HasteBundle\EventListener\DcaRelationsListener" => "Codefog\HasteBundle\EventListener\DcaRelationsListener" "_service_contao.listener.doctrine_schema.adjust_search_url_length" => "contao.listener.doctrine_schema.adjust_search_url_length" ] "postPersist" => array:1 [ "00000000000002300000000000000000" => Codefog\HasteBundle\EventListener\DoctrineOrmListener {#560 -helper: Codefog\HasteBundle\DoctrineOrmHelper {#559 -entityRelatedValues: [] -entityVersions: [] -framework: Contao\CoreBundle\Framework\ContaoFramework {#433} -connection: Doctrine\DBAL\Connection {#387} -dcaRelationsManager: Codefog\HasteBundle\DcaRelationsManager {#558 -relationsCache: array:18 [ …18] -filterableFields: [] -searchableFields: [] -purgeCache: [] -overrideAllCache: [] -connection: Doctrine\DBAL\Connection {#387} -framework: Contao\CoreBundle\Framework\ContaoFramework {#433} -formatter: Codefog\HasteBundle\Formatter {#509 …3} -requestStack: Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\RequestStack {#272} -resourceFinder: Contao\CoreBundle\Config\ResourceFinder {#475 …1} -scopeMatcher: Contao\CoreBundle\Routing\ScopeMatcher {#276} -undoManager: Codefog\HasteBundle\UndoManager {#510 …2} -entityManager: Doctrine\ORM\EntityManager {#545} } -router: Symfony\Cmf\Component\Routing\ChainRouter {#402 -context: Symfony\Component\Routing\RequestContext {#403 -baseUrl: "" -pathInfo: "/team.html" -method: "GET" -host: "www.codeunique.de" -scheme: "https" -httpPort: 80 -httpsPort: 443 -queryString: "" -parameters: array:2 [ "_functions" => Symfony\Component\Routing\Matcher\ExpressionLanguageProvider {#404 -functions: Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\Argument\ServiceLocator {#405 -externalId: null -container: null -factories: array:1 [ …1] -loading: [] -providedTypes: null -factory: ContainerCSX0ivW\Contao_ManagerBundle_HttpKernel_ContaoKernelProdContainer::getService($registry, string $id, ?string $method, $load) {#134} -serviceMap: array:1 [ …1] -serviceTypes: array:1 [ …1] } } "_locale" => "de" ] } -routers: array:4 [ 100 => array:1 [ 0 => Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Routing\Router {#409 #matcher: Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Routing\RedirectableCompiledUrlMatcher {#485 #context: Symfony\Component\Routing\RequestContext {#403} #allow: [] #allowSchemes: [] #routes: null #request: Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Request {#87} #expressionLanguage: null #expressionLanguageProviders: [] -matchHost: false -staticRoutes: array:29 [ …29] -regexpList: array:1 [ …1] -dynamicRoutes: array:4 [ …4] -checkCondition: null } #generator: null #context: Symfony\Component\Routing\RequestContext {#403} #loader: null #collection: null #resource: "contao_manager.routing.route_loader::loadFromPlugins" #options: array:8 [ "cache_dir" => "/html/webseite/var/cache/prod" "debug" => false "generator_class" => "Symfony\Component\Routing\Generator\CompiledUrlGenerator" "generator_dumper_class" => "Symfony\Component\Routing\Generator\Dumper\CompiledUrlGeneratorDumper" "matcher_class" => "Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Routing\RedirectableCompiledUrlMatcher" "matcher_dumper_class" => "Symfony\Component\Routing\Matcher\Dumper\CompiledUrlMatcherDumper" "resource_type" => "service" "strict_requirements" => false ] #logger: Symfony\Bridge\Monolog\Logger {#406 …9} #defaultLocale: "en" -configCacheFactory: Symfony\Component\Config\ResourceCheckerConfigCacheFactory {#413 -resourceCheckers: [] } -expressionLanguageProviders: array:1 [ 0 => Symfony\Component\Routing\Matcher\ExpressionLanguageProvider {#404} ] -container: Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\Argument\ServiceLocator {#411 -externalId: "router.default" -container: ContainerCSX0ivW\Contao_ManagerBundle_HttpKernel_ContaoKernelProdContainer {#135 …20} -factories: array:1 [ …1] -loading: [] -providedTypes: null -factory: ContainerCSX0ivW\Contao_ManagerBundle_HttpKernel_ContaoKernelProdContainer::getService($registry, string $id, ?string $method, $load) {#134} -serviceMap: array:1 [ …1] -serviceTypes: array:1 [ …1] } -collectedParameters: [] -paramFetcher: Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\ParameterBag\ContainerBag::get(string $name) {#412 : Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\ParameterBag\ContainerBag {#410 …} } } ] 20 => array:1 [ 0 => Symfony\Cmf\Component\Routing\DynamicRouter {#449 #matcher: Contao\CoreBundle\Routing\Matcher\LegacyMatcher {#457 -framework: Contao\CoreBundle\Framework\ContaoFramework {#433} -requestMatcher: Symfony\Cmf\Component\Routing\NestedMatcher\NestedMatcher {#451 …4} -urlSuffix: ".html" -prependLocale: false } #generator: Contao\CoreBundle\Routing\PageUrlGenerator {#446 #routes: Symfony\Component\Routing\RouteCollection {#447 …4} #context: Symfony\Component\Routing\RequestContext {#403} #strictRequirements: true #logger: Symfony\Bridge\Monolog\Logger {#304 …9} -defaultLocale: null #decodedChars: array:11 [ …11] -provider: Contao\CoreBundle\Routing\RouteProvider {#444 …5} -pageRegistry: Contao\CoreBundle\Routing\Page\PageRegistry {#435 …6} } #eventDispatcher: Symfony\Component\EventDispatcher\EventDispatcher {#130 …3} #uriFilterRegexp: "" -provider: Contao\CoreBundle\Routing\RouteProvider {#444} #context: Symfony\Component\Routing\RequestContext {#403} -routeCollection: null -enhancers: array:1 [ 0 => array:1 [ …1] ] -sortedEnhancers: array:1 [ 0 => Contao\CoreBundle\Routing\Enhancer\InputEnhancer {#448 …1} ] } ] 0 => array:1 [ 0 => Symfony\Cmf\Component\Routing\DynamicRouter {#462 #matcher: Contao\CoreBundle\Routing\Matcher\UrlMatcher {#463 #context: Symfony\Component\Routing\RequestContext {#465 …9} #allow: [] #allowSchemes: [] #routes: Symfony\Component\Routing\RouteCollection {#464 …4} #request: null #expressionLanguage: null #expressionLanguageProviders: [] } #generator: Symfony\Cmf\Component\Routing\ProviderBasedGenerator {#466 #routes: null #context: Symfony\Component\Routing\RequestContext {#403} #strictRequirements: true #logger: Symfony\Bridge\Monolog\Logger {#304 …9} -defaultLocale: null #decodedChars: array:11 [ …11] #provider: Contao\CoreBundle\Routing\LegacyRouteProvider {#467 …1} } #eventDispatcher: Symfony\Component\EventDispatcher\EventDispatcher {#130 …3} #uriFilterRegexp: "" -provider: null #context: Symfony\Component\Routing\RequestContext {#403} -routeCollection: null -enhancers: [] -sortedEnhancers: [] } ] -200 => array:1 [ 0 => Symfony\Cmf\Component\Routing\DynamicRouter {#458 #matcher: Symfony\Cmf\Component\Routing\NestedMatcher\NestedMatcher {#461 #routeProvider: Contao\CoreBundle\Routing\Route404Provider {#459 …3} #finalMatcher: Contao\CoreBundle\Routing\Matcher\UrlMatcher {#452 …7} #filters: array:1 [ …1] #sortedFilters: [] } #generator: Contao\CoreBundle\Routing\PageUrlGenerator {#446} #eventDispatcher: Symfony\Component\EventDispatcher\EventDispatcher {#130 …3} #uriFilterRegexp: "" -provider: Contao\CoreBundle\Routing\Route404Provider {#459} #context: Symfony\Component\Routing\RequestContext {#403} -routeCollection: null -enhancers: [] -sortedEnhancers: [] } ] ] -sortedRouters: array:4 [ 0 => Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Routing\Router {#409} 1 => Symfony\Cmf\Component\Routing\DynamicRouter {#449} 2 => Symfony\Cmf\Component\Routing\DynamicRouter {#462} 3 => Symfony\Cmf\Component\Routing\DynamicRouter {#458} ] -routeCollection: null #logger: Symfony\Bridge\Monolog\Logger {#304 …9} } -security: Symfony\Component\Security\Core\Security {#495 -container: Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\Argument\ServiceLocator {#496 …8} } } } ] "postUpdate" => array:1 [ "00000000000002300000000000000000" => Codefog\HasteBundle\EventListener\DoctrineOrmListener {#560} ] "preRemove" => array:1 [ "00000000000002300000000000000000" => Codefog\HasteBundle\EventListener\DoctrineOrmListener {#560} ] "preUpdate" => array:1 [ "00000000000002300000000000000000" => Codefog\HasteBundle\EventListener\DoctrineOrmListener {#560} ] "loadClassMetadata" => array:1 [ "_service_doctrine.orm.default_listeners.attach_entity_listeners" => "doctrine.orm.default_listeners.attach_entity_listeners" ] "onSchemaAlterTableRenameColumn" => array:1 [ "_service_contao_manager.listener.doctrine_alter_table" => "contao_manager.listener.doctrine_alter_table" ] ] -subscribers: [] -initialized: [] -initializedSubscribers: true -initializedHashMapping: [] -methods: array:5 [ "postGenerateSchema" => array:3 [ "00000000000001f80000000000000000" => "postGenerateSchema" "00000000000001f90000000000000000" => "postGenerateSchema" "00000000000001fa0000000000000000" => "postGenerateSchema" ] "postPersist" => array:1 [ "00000000000002300000000000000000" => "postPersist" ] "postUpdate" => array:1 [ "00000000000002300000000000000000" => "postUpdate" ] "preRemove" => array:1 [ "00000000000002300000000000000000" => "preRemove" ] "preUpdate" => array:1 [ "00000000000002300000000000000000" => "preUpdate" ] ] -container: Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\Argument\ServiceLocator {#343 -externalId: null -container: null -factories: array:9 [ "Codefog\HasteBundle\EventListener\DcaRelationsListener" => array:4 [ 0 => "privates" 1 => "Codefog\HasteBundle\EventListener\DcaRelationsListener" 2 => "getDcaRelationsListenerService" 3 => true ] "Codefog\HasteBundle\EventListener\DoctrineOrmListener" => array:4 [ 0 => "privates" 1 => "Codefog\HasteBundle\EventListener\DoctrineOrmListener" 2 => "getDoctrineOrmListenerService" 3 => true ] "contao.listener.doctrine_schema" => array:4 [ 0 => "privates" 1 => "contao.listener.doctrine_schema" 2 => "getContao_Listener_DoctrineSchemaService" 3 => true ] "contao.listener.doctrine_schema.adjust_search_url_length" => array:4 [ 0 => "privates" 1 => "contao.listener.doctrine_schema.adjust_search_url_length" 2 => "getContao_Listener_DoctrineSchema_AdjustSearchUrlLengthService" 3 => true ] "contao_manager.listener.doctrine_alter_table" => array:4 [ 0 => "privates" 1 => "contao_manager.listener.doctrine_alter_table" 2 => "getContaoManager_Listener_DoctrineAlterTableService" 3 => true ] "doctrine.orm.default_listeners.attach_entity_listeners" => array:4 [ 0 => "privates" 1 => "doctrine.orm.default_listeners.attach_entity_listeners" 2 => "getDoctrine_Orm_DefaultListeners_AttachEntityListenersService" 3 => true ] "doctrine.orm.listeners.doctrine_dbal_cache_adapter_schema_subscriber" => array:4 [ 0 => "privates" 1 => "doctrine.orm.listeners.doctrine_dbal_cache_adapter_schema_subscriber" 2 => "getDoctrine_Orm_Listeners_DoctrineDbalCacheAdapterSchemaSubscriberService" 3 => true ] "doctrine.orm.listeners.doctrine_token_provider_schema_subscriber" => array:4 [ 0 => "privates" 1 => "doctrine.orm.listeners.doctrine_token_provider_schema_subscriber" 2 => "getDoctrine_Orm_Listeners_DoctrineTokenProviderSchemaSubscriberService" 3 => true ] "doctrine.orm.listeners.pdo_cache_adapter_doctrine_schema_subscriber" => array:4 [ 0 => "privates" 1 => "doctrine.orm.listeners.pdo_cache_adapter_doctrine_schema_subscriber" 2 => "getDoctrine_Orm_Listeners_PdoCacheAdapterDoctrineSchemaSubscriberService" 3 => true ] ] -loading: [] -providedTypes: null -factory: ContainerCSX0ivW\Contao_ManagerBundle_HttpKernel_ContaoKernelProdContainer::getService($registry, string $id, ?string $method, $load) {#134} -serviceMap: array:9 [ "Codefog\HasteBundle\EventListener\DcaRelationsListener" => array:4 [ 0 => "privates" 1 => "Codefog\HasteBundle\EventListener\DcaRelationsListener" 2 => "getDcaRelationsListenerService" 3 => true ] "Codefog\HasteBundle\EventListener\DoctrineOrmListener" => array:4 [ 0 => "privates" 1 => "Codefog\HasteBundle\EventListener\DoctrineOrmListener" 2 => "getDoctrineOrmListenerService" 3 => true ] "contao.listener.doctrine_schema" => array:4 [ 0 => "privates" 1 => "contao.listener.doctrine_schema" 2 => "getContao_Listener_DoctrineSchemaService" 3 => true ] "contao.listener.doctrine_schema.adjust_search_url_length" => array:4 [ 0 => "privates" 1 => "contao.listener.doctrine_schema.adjust_search_url_length" 2 => "getContao_Listener_DoctrineSchema_AdjustSearchUrlLengthService" 3 => true ] "contao_manager.listener.doctrine_alter_table" => array:4 [ 0 => "privates" 1 => "contao_manager.listener.doctrine_alter_table" 2 => "getContaoManager_Listener_DoctrineAlterTableService" 3 => true ] "doctrine.orm.default_listeners.attach_entity_listeners" => array:4 [ 0 => "privates" 1 => "doctrine.orm.default_listeners.attach_entity_listeners" 2 => "getDoctrine_Orm_DefaultListeners_AttachEntityListenersService" 3 => true ] "doctrine.orm.listeners.doctrine_dbal_cache_adapter_schema_subscriber" => array:4 [ 0 => "privates" 1 => "doctrine.orm.listeners.doctrine_dbal_cache_adapter_schema_subscriber" 2 => "getDoctrine_Orm_Listeners_DoctrineDbalCacheAdapterSchemaSubscriberService" 3 => true ] "doctrine.orm.listeners.doctrine_token_provider_schema_subscriber" => array:4 [ 0 => "privates" 1 => "doctrine.orm.listeners.doctrine_token_provider_schema_subscriber" 2 => "getDoctrine_Orm_Listeners_DoctrineTokenProviderSchemaSubscriberService" 3 => true ] "doctrine.orm.listeners.pdo_cache_adapter_doctrine_schema_subscriber" => array:4 [ 0 => "privates" 1 => "doctrine.orm.listeners.pdo_cache_adapter_doctrine_schema_subscriber" 2 => "getDoctrine_Orm_Listeners_PdoCacheAdapterDoctrineSchemaSubscriberService" 3 => true ] ] -serviceTypes: array:9 [ "Codefog\HasteBundle\EventListener\DcaRelationsListener" => "?" "Codefog\HasteBundle\EventListener\DoctrineOrmListener" => "?" "contao.listener.doctrine_schema" => "?" "contao.listener.doctrine_schema.adjust_search_url_length" => "?" "contao_manager.listener.doctrine_alter_table" => "?" "doctrine.orm.default_listeners.attach_entity_listeners" => "?" "doctrine.orm.listeners.doctrine_dbal_cache_adapter_schema_subscriber" => "?" "doctrine.orm.listeners.doctrine_token_provider_schema_subscriber" => "?" "doctrine.orm.listeners.pdo_cache_adapter_doctrine_schema_subscriber" => "?" ] } } #_expr: Doctrine\DBAL\Query\Expression\ExpressionBuilder {#388 -connection: Doctrine\DBAL\Connection {#387} } -autoCommit: true -transactionNestingLevel: 0 -transactionIsolationLevel: null -nestTransactionsWithSavepoints: false -params: array:10 [ "driver" => "pdo_mysql" "charset" => "utf8mb4" "host" => "db002119.mydbserver.com" "port" => 3306 "user" => "p660444" "password" => "oRiPjBC*CuqmzI_n22jn" "driverOptions" => array:2 [ 1013 => false 1002 => "SET SESSION sql_mode=CONCAT(@@sql_mode, IF(INSTR(@@sql_mode, 'STRICT_'), '', ',TRADITIONAL'))" ] "defaultTableOptions" => array:5 [ "charset" => "utf8mb4" "collation" => "utf8mb4_unicode_ci" "engine" => "InnoDB" "row_format" => "DYNAMIC" "collate" => "utf8mb4_unicode_ci" ] "dbname" => "usr_p660444_1" "serverVersion" => "8.0.32" ] -platform: Doctrine\DBAL\Platforms\MySQL80Platform {#567 #doctrineTypeMapping: null #doctrineTypeComments: null #_eventManager: Symfony\Bridge\Doctrine\ContainerAwareEventManager {#302} #_keywords: null -disableTypeComments: false } -exceptionConverter: null -parser: null #_schemaManager: null #_driver: Doctrine\DBAL\Driver\PDO\MySQL\Driver {#386} -isRollbackOnly: false -schemaManagerFactory: Doctrine\DBAL\Schema\LegacySchemaManagerFactory {#346} } } -filesystem: Symfony\Component\Filesystem\Filesystem {#434} -urlGenerator: Symfony\Cmf\Component\Routing\ChainRouter {#402} -projectDir: "/html/webseite" -errorLevel: 8183 -legacyRouting: true -request: Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Request {#87} -isFrontend: true -adapterCache: array:11 [ "Contao\Config" => Contao\CoreBundle\Framework\Adapter {#488 -class: "Contao\Config" } "Contao\RequestToken" => Contao\CoreBundle\Framework\Adapter {#497 -class: "Contao\RequestToken" } "Contao\PageModel" => Contao\CoreBundle\Framework\Adapter {#498 -class: "Contao\PageModel" } "Contao\System" => Contao\CoreBundle\Framework\Adapter {#563 -class: "Contao\System" } "Contao\Input" => Contao\CoreBundle\Framework\Adapter {#501 -class: "Contao\Input" } "Contao\FilesModel" => Contao\CoreBundle\Framework\Adapter {#923 -class: "Contao\FilesModel" } "Contao\ImageSizeModel" => Contao\CoreBundle\Framework\Adapter {#930 -class: "Contao\ImageSizeModel" } "Contao\ImageSizeItemModel" => Contao\CoreBundle\Framework\Adapter {#936 -class: "Contao\ImageSizeItemModel" } "Contao\DataContainer" => Contao\CoreBundle\Framework\Adapter {#934 -class: "Contao\DataContainer" } "Contao\LayoutModel" => Contao\CoreBundle\Framework\Adapter {#1010 -class: "Contao\LayoutModel" } "Contao\Validator" => Contao\CoreBundle\Framework\Adapter {#1519 -class: "Contao\Validator" } ] -hookListeners: array:11 [ "initializeSystem" => array:2 [ 255 => array:2 [ 0 => array:2 [ 0 => "contao.listener.6f9a.Zd" 1 => "onInitializeSystem" ] 1 => array:2 [ 0 => "contao.listener.fE48e1G" 1 => "onInitializeSystem" ] ] 0 => array:1 [ 0 => array:2 [ 0 => "contao.listener.data_container.preview_link" 1 => "unloadModuleWithoutPreviewScript" ] ] ] "loadDataContainer" => array:2 [ 0 => array:8 [ 0 => array:2 [ 0 => "contao.listener.data_container.preview_link" 1 => "unloadTableWithoutPreviewScript" ] 1 => array:2 [ 0 => "contao.listener.data_container.record_preview" 1 => "registerDeleteCallbacks" ] 2 => array:2 [ 0 => "contao.listener.data_container.toggle_nodes_label" 1 => "__invoke" ] 3 => array:2 [ 0 => "contao.listener.data_container_callback" 1 => "onLoadDataContainer" ] 4 => array:2 [ 0 => "Codefog\HasteBundle\EventListener\DcaAjaxOperationsListener" 1 => "onLoadDataContainer" ] 5 => array:2 [ 0 => "Codefog\HasteBundle\DcaRelationsManager" 1 => "addRelationCallbacks" ] 6 => array:2 [ 0 => "Terminal42\DcawizardBundle\EventListener\CloseModalListener" 1 => "__invoke" ] 7 => array:2 [ 0 => "Terminal42\DcawizardBundle\EventListener\FixRefererListener" 1 => "__invoke" ] ] -256 => array:1 [ 0 => array:2 [ 0 => "Mvo\ContaoGroupWidget\EventListener\GroupWidgetListener" 1 => "initializeGroups" ] ] ] "replaceInsertTags" => array:1 [ 0 => array:8 [ 0 => array:2 [ 0 => "contao.listener.insert_tags.asset" 1 => "onReplaceInsertTags" ] 1 => array:2 [ 0 => "contao.listener.insert_tags.date" 1 => "__invoke" ] 2 => array:2 [ 0 => "contao.listener.insert_tags.translation" 1 => "onReplaceInsertTags" ] 3 => array:2 [ 0 => "yupdesign\DeviceContentBundleBundle\EventListener\InsertTagListener" 1 => "__invoke" ] 4 => array:2 [ 0 => "contao_faq.listener.insert_tags" 1 => "onReplaceInsertTags" ] 5 => array:2 [ 0 => "Codefog\HasteBundle\EventListener\InsertTagsListener" 1 => "__invoke" ] 6 => array:2 [ 0 => "contao_news.listener.insert_tags" 1 => "__invoke" ] 7 => array:2 [ 0 => "contao_calendar.listener.insert_tags" 1 => "__invoke" ] ] ] "addCustomRegexp" => array:1 [ 0 => array:2 [ 0 => array:2 [ 0 => "contao.listener.widget.custom_rgxp" 1 => "__invoke" ] 1 => array:2 [ 0 => "contao.listener.widget.http_url" 1 => "__invoke" ] ] ] "isVisibleElement" => array:1 [ 0 => array:1 [ 0 => array:2 [ 0 => "yupdesign\DeviceContentBundleBundle\EventListener\DeviceDetectionListener" 1 => "__invoke" ] ] ] "getContentElement" => array:1 [ 0 => array:2 [ 0 => array:2 [ 0 => "yupdesign\DeviceContentBundleBundle\EventListener\ContentElementListener" 1 => "__invoke" ] 1 => array:2 [ 0 => "Codefog\HasteBundle\EventListener\AjaxReloadListener" 1 => "onGetContentElement" ] ] ] "getFrontendModule" => array:1 [ 0 => array:1 [ 0 => array:2 [ 0 => "Codefog\HasteBundle\EventListener\AjaxReloadListener" 1 => "onGetFrontendModule" ] ] ] "modifyFrontendPage" => array:1 [ 0 => array:1 [ 0 => array:2 [ 0 => "Codefog\HasteBundle\EventListener\AjaxReloadListener" 1 => "onModifyFrontendPage" ] ] ] "executePostActions" => array:1 [ 0 => array:2 [ 0 => array:2 [ 0 => "Codefog\HasteBundle\EventListener\DcaAjaxOperationsListener" 1 => "onExecutePostActions" ] 1 => array:2 [ 0 => "Terminal42\DcawizardBundle\EventListener\AjaxActionsListener" 1 => "__invoke" ] ] ] "reviseTable" => array:1 [ 0 => array:1 [ 0 => array:2 [ 0 => "Codefog\HasteBundle\DcaRelationsManager" 1 => "reviseRelatedRecords" ] ] ] "generatePage" => array:1 [ 0 => array:2 [ 0 => array:2 [ 0 => "contao_news.listener.generate_page" 1 => "__invoke" ] 1 => array:2 [ 0 => "contao_calendar.listener.generate_page" 1 => "__invoke" ] ] ] ] -setLoginConstantsOnInit: false #container: ContainerCSX0ivW\Contao_ManagerBundle_HttpKernel_ContaoKernelProdContainer {#135 …20} } } ] } -elementTypeSettings: [] -backendModules: array:13 [ "news" => array:7 [ "table" => "tl_news" "column" => "news_archives" "column_type" => "serialized" "icon" => "news.svg" "fe_modules" => array:4 [ 0 => "newslist" 1 => "newsreader" 2 => "newsarchive" 3 => "newsmenu" ] "ce_column_type" => "plain" "content_elements" => [] ] "calendar" => array:7 [ "table" => "tl_calendar_events" "column" => "cal_calendar" "column_type" => "serialized" "icon" => "settings.svg" "fe_modules" => array:4 [ 0 => "calendar" 1 => "eventreader" 2 => 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- René Adel
- Corinna Becker
- Ines Bromme
- Lilas Costa
- Jessica Illing
- Klaus Isert
- Martin Laasch
- Jan Lohß
- Lena Lübke
- Varvara Malyuk
- Steffen Müller
- Oskar Nitsche
- Markus Prodehl
- Anne Schneider
- André Wagner
- Simone Winter
- Björn Zepnik
Ehemalige Mitarbeiter & Praktikanten
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"position" => array:1 [ 0 => "employee_ex" ] "image" => Contao\FilesModel {#1565 #arrData: array:16 [ …16] #arrModified: [] #arrRelations: [] #arrRelated: [] #blnPreventSaving: false } "hide_image" => "" "published" => "1" ] 58 => array:9 [ "id" => 108 "tstamp" => 1671114106 "name" => "Heisig" "fname" => "Juliane" "academic" => "" "position" => array:1 [ 0 => "employee_ex" ] "image" => null "hide_image" => "" "published" => "1" ] 59 => array:9 [ "id" => 109 "tstamp" => 1679899285 "name" => "Hengst" "fname" => "Daniel" "academic" => "" "position" => array:1 [ 0 => "employee_ex" ] "image" => null "hide_image" => "" "published" => "1" ] 60 => array:9 [ "id" => 193 "tstamp" => 1671179518 "name" => "Herschel" "fname" => "Antonia" "academic" => "" "position" => array:1 [ 0 => "intern_ex" ] "image" => null "hide_image" => "" "published" => "1" ] 61 => array:9 [ "id" => 194 "tstamp" => 1671179538 "name" => "Hess" "fname" => "Vanessa" "academic" => "" "position" => array:1 [ 0 => "intern_ex" ] "image" => null "hide_image" => "" "published" => "1" ] 62 => array:9 [ "id" => 195 "tstamp" => 1671179583 "name" => "Hesse" "fname" => "Christoph" "academic" => "" "position" => array:1 [ 0 => "intern_ex" ] "image" => null "hide_image" => "" "published" => "1" ] 63 => array:9 [ "id" => 196 "tstamp" => 1671179598 "name" => "Heymann" "fname" => "Tina" "academic" => "" "position" => array:1 [ 0 => "intern_ex" ] "image" => null "hide_image" => "" "published" => "1" ] 64 => array:9 [ "id" => 197 "tstamp" => 1671179645 "name" => "Hitz" "fname" => "Alexander" "academic" => "" "position" => array:1 [ 0 => "intern_ex" ] "image" => null "hide_image" => "" "published" => "1" ] 65 => array:9 [ "id" => 198 "tstamp" => 1671179665 "name" => "Hofmann" "fname" => "Anna-Helene" "academic" => "" "position" => array:1 [ 0 => "intern_ex" ] "image" => null "hide_image" => "" "published" => "1" ] 66 => array:9 [ "id" => 199 "tstamp" => 1671179682 "name" => "Hohensee" "fname" => "Ines" "academic" => "" "position" => array:1 [ 0 => "intern_ex" ] "image" => null "hide_image" => "" "published" => "1" ] 67 => array:9 [ "id" => 110 "tstamp" => 1671114143 "name" => "Hohmann" "fname" => "Kati" "academic" => "" "position" => array:1 [ 0 => "employee_ex" ] "image" => null "hide_image" => "" "published" => "1" ] 68 => array:9 [ "id" => 200 "tstamp" => 1671179783 "name" => "Hollek" "fname" => "Vera" "academic" => "" "position" => array:1 [ 0 => "intern_ex" ] "image" => null "hide_image" => "" "published" => "1" ] 69 => array:9 [ "id" => 201 "tstamp" => 1671179802 "name" => "Hörler" "fname" => "Kirsten Julia" "academic" => "" "position" => array:1 [ 0 => "intern_ex" ] "image" => null "hide_image" => "" "published" => "1" ] 70 => array:9 [ "id" => 202 "tstamp" => 1671179822 "name" => "Hößel" "fname" => "Konstanze" "academic" => "" "position" => array:1 [ 0 => "intern_ex" ] "image" => null "hide_image" => "" "published" => "1" ] 71 => array:9 [ "id" => 203 "tstamp" => 1671179834 "name" => "Irlenbusch" "fname" => "Kai" "academic" => "" "position" => array:1 [ 0 => "intern_ex" ] "image" => null "hide_image" => "" "published" => "1" ] 72 => array:9 [ "id" => 111 "tstamp" => 1671114163 "name" => "Jährling" "fname" => "Florian" "academic" => "" "position" => array:1 [ 0 => "employee_ex" ] "image" => null "hide_image" => "" "published" => "1" ] 73 => array:9 [ "id" => 204 "tstamp" => 1671180046 "name" => "Jung" "fname" => "Marine" "academic" => "" "position" => array:1 [ 0 => "intern_ex" ] "image" => null "hide_image" => "" "published" => "1" ] 74 => array:9 [ "id" => 205 "tstamp" => 1671180069 "name" => "Karafotis" "fname" => "Nikitas" "academic" => "" "position" => array:1 [ 0 => "intern_ex" ] "image" => null "hide_image" => "" "published" => "1" ] 75 => array:9 [ "id" => 112 "tstamp" => 1671114182 "name" => "Karahan" "fname" => "Burcu" "academic" => "" "position" => array:1 [ 0 => "employee_ex" ] "image" => null "hide_image" => "" "published" => "1" ] 76 => array:9 [ "id" => 206 "tstamp" => 1671180086 "name" => "Kestel" "fname" => "Franziska" "academic" => "" "position" => array:1 [ 0 => "intern_ex" ] "image" => null "hide_image" => "" "published" => "1" ] 77 => array:9 [ "id" => 207 "tstamp" => 1671180106 "name" => "Kim" "fname" => "Jinwoo" "academic" => "" "position" => array:1 [ 0 => "intern_ex" ] "image" => null "hide_image" => "" "published" => "1" ] 78 => array:9 [ "id" => 275 "tstamp" => 1725279879 "name" => "Kim" "fname" => "Sungwoo" "academic" => "cand.Arch." "position" => array:2 [ 0 => "intern_ex" 1 => "employee" ] "image" => Contao\FilesModel {#1328 #arrData: array:16 [ …16] #arrModified: [] #arrRelations: [] #arrRelated: [] #blnPreventSaving: false } "hide_image" => "" "published" => "1" ] 79 => array:9 [ "id" => 208 "tstamp" => 1671180119 "name" => "Kirchner" "fname" => "Fabian" "academic" => "" "position" => array:1 [ 0 => "intern_ex" ] "image" => null "hide_image" => "" "published" => "1" ] 80 => array:9 [ "id" => 31 "tstamp" => 1718882907 "name" => "Klemm" "fname" => "Michael" "academic" => "B.A. Arch." "position" => array:2 [ 0 => "intern_ex" 1 => "employee_ex" ] "image" => Contao\FilesModel {#1607 #arrData: array:16 [ …16] #arrModified: [] #arrRelations: [] #arrRelated: [] #blnPreventSaving: false } "hide_image" => "" "published" => "1" ] 81 => array:9 [ "id" => 113 "tstamp" => 1671114208 "name" => "Klinkert" "fname" => "Ines" "academic" => "" "position" => array:1 [ 0 => "employee_ex" ] "image" => null "hide_image" => "" "published" => "1" ] 82 => array:9 [ "id" => 114 "tstamp" => 1671114224 "name" => "Koch" "fname" => "Felix" "academic" => "" "position" => array:1 [ 0 => "employee_ex" ] "image" => null "hide_image" => "" "published" => "1" ] 83 => array:9 [ "id" => 115 "tstamp" => 1671114315 "name" => "Kornberger" "fname" => "Bernd" "academic" => "" "position" => array:1 [ 0 => "employee_ex" ] "image" => null "hide_image" => "" "published" => "1" ] 84 => array:9 [ "id" => 209 "tstamp" => 1671181142 "name" => "Kowalewski" "fname" => "Lukas" "academic" => "" "position" => array:1 [ 0 => "intern_ex" ] "image" => null "hide_image" => "" "published" => "1" ] 85 => array:9 [ "id" => 116 "tstamp" => 1671114408 "name" => "Krafft" "fname" => "Julia" "academic" => "" "position" => array:1 [ 0 => "employee_ex" ] "image" => null "hide_image" => "" "published" => "1" ] 86 => array:9 [ "id" => 72 "tstamp" => 1677833990 "name" => "Krätzschmar" "fname" => "Henny" "academic" => "cand.Arch." "position" => array:1 [ 0 => "intern_ex" ] "image" => Contao\FilesModel {#1606 #arrData: array:16 [ …16] #arrModified: [] #arrRelations: [] #arrRelated: [] #blnPreventSaving: false } "hide_image" => "" "published" => "1" ] 87 => array:9 [ "id" => 273 "tstamp" => 1710259023 "name" => "Kring" "fname" => "Frederik Leif" "academic" => "cand.Arch." "position" => array:1 [ 0 => "intern_ex" ] "image" => Contao\FilesModel {#1605 #arrData: array:16 [ …16] #arrModified: [] #arrRelations: [] #arrRelated: [] #blnPreventSaving: false } "hide_image" => "" "published" => "1" ] 88 => array:9 [ "id" => 117 "tstamp" => 1671181336 "name" => "Kuck" "fname" => "Manuel" "academic" => "" "position" => array:2 [ 0 => "intern_ex" 1 => "employee_ex" ] "image" => null "hide_image" => "" "published" => "1" ] 89 => array:9 [ "id" => 118 "tstamp" => 1671114452 "name" => "Kügler" "fname" => "Marc" "academic" => "" "position" => array:1 [ 0 => "employee_ex" ] "image" => null "hide_image" => "" "published" => "1" ] 90 => array:9 [ "id" => 119 "tstamp" => 1671115503 "name" => "Kunkler" "fname" => "Frank" "academic" => "" "position" => array:1 [ 0 => "employee_ex" ] "image" => null "hide_image" => "" "published" => "1" ] 91 => array:9 [ "id" => 210 "tstamp" => 1671181401 "name" => "Kupi" "fname" => "Benedek" "academic" => "" "position" => array:1 [ 0 => "intern_ex" ] "image" => null "hide_image" => "" "published" => "1" ] 92 => array:9 [ "id" => 120 "tstamp" => 1671116002 "name" => "Kusch" "fname" => "Lija" "academic" => "" "position" => array:1 [ 0 => "employee_ex" ] "image" => null "hide_image" => "" "published" => "1" ] 93 => array:9 [ "id" => 211 "tstamp" => 1671181420 "name" => "Kuta" "fname" => "Michael" "academic" => "" "position" => array:1 [ 0 => "intern_ex" ] "image" => null "hide_image" => "" "published" => "1" ] 94 => array:9 [ "id" => 278 "tstamp" => 1724337373 "name" => "Laimer" "fname" => "Angela" "academic" => "cand.Arch." "position" => array:1 [ 0 => "intern_ex" ] "image" => Contao\FilesModel {#1604 #arrData: array:16 [ …16] #arrModified: [] #arrRelations: [] #arrRelated: [] #blnPreventSaving: false } "hide_image" => "" "published" => "1" ] 95 => array:9 [ "id" => 40 "tstamp" => 1682668436 "name" => "Langkutsch" "fname" => "Amelie" "academic" => "Dipl.-Ing. Arch." "position" => array:2 [ 0 => "intern_ex" 1 => "employee" ] "image" => Contao\FilesModel {#1338 #arrData: array:16 [ …16] #arrModified: [] #arrRelations: [] #arrRelated: [] #blnPreventSaving: false } "hide_image" => "" "published" => "1" ] 96 => array:9 [ "id" => 212 "tstamp" => 1671181504 "name" => "Lätsch" "fname" => "Nicole" "academic" => "" "position" => array:1 [ 0 => "intern_ex" ] "image" => null "hide_image" => "" "published" => "1" ] 97 => array:9 [ "id" => 213 "tstamp" => 1671181525 "name" => "Lau" "fname" => "Enrico" "academic" => "" "position" => array:1 [ 0 => "intern_ex" ] "image" => null "hide_image" => "" "published" => "1" ] 98 => array:9 [ "id" => 214 "tstamp" => 1671181551 "name" => "Li" "fname" => "Qiushi" "academic" => "" "position" => array:1 [ 0 => "intern_ex" ] "image" => null "hide_image" => "" "published" => "1" ] 99 => array:9 [ "id" => 215 "tstamp" => 1671181567 "name" => "Lindner" "fname" => "Taisja" "academic" => "" "position" => array:1 [ 0 => "intern_ex" ] "image" => null "hide_image" => "" "published" => "1" ] 100 => array:9 [ "id" => 271 "tstamp" => 1693562405 "name" => "Linek" "fname" => "Wiebke" "academic" => "cand.Arch." "position" => array:1 [ 0 => "intern_ex" ] "image" => Contao\FilesModel {#1603 #arrData: array:16 [ …16] #arrModified: [] #arrRelations: [] #arrRelated: [] #blnPreventSaving: false } "hide_image" => "" "published" => "1" ] 101 => array:9 [ "id" => 216 "tstamp" => 1671181583 "name" => "Lippmann" "fname" => "Andreas" "academic" => "" "position" => array:1 [ 0 => "intern_ex" ] "image" => null "hide_image" => "" "published" => "1" ] 102 => array:9 [ "id" => 42 "tstamp" => 1677656457 "name" => "Liu" "fname" => "Shifu" "academic" => "Dipl.-Ing. Arch." "position" => array:1 [ 0 => "employee_ex" ] "image" => Contao\FilesModel {#1602 #arrData: array:16 [ …16] #arrModified: [] #arrRelations: [] #arrRelated: [] #blnPreventSaving: false } "hide_image" => "" "published" => "1" ] 103 => array:9 [ "id" => 121 "tstamp" => 1671116132 "name" => "Lohde" "fname" => "Juliane" "academic" => "" "position" => array:1 [ 0 => "employee_ex" ] "image" => null "hide_image" => "" "published" => "1" ] 104 => array:9 [ "id" => 43 "tstamp" => 1671181874 "name" => "Lorenz" "fname" => "Saskia" "academic" => "Dipl.-Ing. (FH) Arch." "position" => array:2 [ 0 => "intern_ex" 1 => "employee" ] "image" => Contao\FilesModel {#1340 #arrData: array:16 [ …16] #arrModified: [] #arrRelations: [] #arrRelated: [] #blnPreventSaving: false } "hide_image" => "" "published" => "1" ] 105 => array:9 [ "id" => 122 "tstamp" => 1671181871 "name" => "Löschau" "fname" => "Julia" "academic" => "" "position" => array:1 [ 0 => "employee_ex" ] "image" => null "hide_image" => "" "published" => "1" ] 106 => array:9 [ "id" => 123 "tstamp" => 1671116191 "name" => "Macur" "fname" => "Maksymilian" "academic" => "" "position" => array:1 [ 0 => "employee_ex" ] "image" => null "hide_image" => "" "published" => "1" ] 107 => array:9 [ "id" => 124 "tstamp" => 1671116206 "name" => "Mäge" "fname" => "Sören" "academic" => "" "position" => array:1 [ 0 => "employee_ex" ] "image" => null "hide_image" => "" "published" => "1" ] 108 => array:9 [ "id" => 220 "tstamp" => 1679899310 "name" => "Maldonado" "fname" => "Santiago Jose Marroquin" "academic" => "" "position" => array:1 [ 0 => "intern_ex" ] "image" => null "hide_image" => "" "published" => "1" ] 109 => array:9 [ "id" => 219 "tstamp" => 1671181897 "name" => "Margert" "fname" => "Andreas" "academic" => "" "position" => array:1 [ 0 => "intern_ex" ] "image" => null "hide_image" => "" "published" => "1" ] 110 => array:9 [ "id" => 217 "tstamp" => 1671181829 "name" => "Martin" "fname" => "Nerea López" "academic" => "" "position" => array:1 [ 0 => "intern_ex" ] "image" => null "hide_image" => "" "published" => "1" ] 111 => array:9 [ "id" => 221 "tstamp" => 1671181947 "name" => "Mattern" "fname" => "Christoph" "academic" => "" "position" => array:1 [ 0 => "intern_ex" ] "image" => null "hide_image" => "" "published" => "1" ] 112 => array:9 [ "id" => 125 "tstamp" => 1671116244 "name" => "Meinhardt" "fname" => "Christoph" "academic" => "" "position" => array:1 [ 0 => "employee_ex" ] "image" => null "hide_image" => "" "published" => "1" ] 113 => array:9 [ "id" => 46 "tstamp" => 1698825434 "name" => "Meißner" "fname" => "Sophie" "academic" => "Dipl.-Ing. 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"position" => array:1 [ 0 => "employee_ex" ] "image" => Contao\FilesModel {#1590 #arrData: array:16 [ …16] #arrModified: [] #arrRelations: [] #arrRelated: [] #blnPreventSaving: false } "hide_image" => "" "published" => "1" ] 114 => array:9 [ "id" => 222 "tstamp" => 1671181982 "name" => "Menke" "fname" => "Elisa" "academic" => "" "position" => array:1 [ 0 => "intern_ex" ] "image" => null "hide_image" => "" "published" => "1" ] 115 => array:9 [ "id" => 223 "tstamp" => 1671182002 "name" => "Mischok" "fname" => "Linda" "academic" => "" "position" => array:1 [ 0 => "intern_ex" ] "image" => null "hide_image" => "" "published" => "1" ] 116 => array:9 [ "id" => 126 "tstamp" => 1671116263 "name" => "Müller" "fname" => "Christian" "academic" => "" "position" => array:1 [ 0 => "employee_ex" ] "image" => null "hide_image" => "" "published" => "1" ] 117 => array:9 [ "id" => 127 "tstamp" => 1671116282 "name" => "Müller" "fname" => "Ines" "academic" => "" "position" => array:1 [ 0 => "employee_ex" ] "image" => null "hide_image" => "" "published" => "1" ] 118 => array:9 [ "id" => 224 "tstamp" => 1671182030 "name" => "Naranjo Astorga" "fname" => "Carlos Alejandro" "academic" => "" "position" => array:1 [ 0 => "intern_ex" ] "image" => null "hide_image" => "" "published" => "1" ] 119 => array:9 [ "id" => 128 "tstamp" => 1671116296 "name" => "Neutzner" "fname" => "Uta" "academic" => "" "position" => array:1 [ 0 => "employee_ex" ] "image" => null "hide_image" => "" "published" => "1" ] 120 => array:9 [ "id" => 225 "tstamp" => 1679899349 "name" => "Nordsieck" "fname" => "Jan" "academic" => "" "position" => array:2 [ 0 => "intern_ex" 1 => "employee_ex" ] "image" => null "hide_image" => "" "published" => "1" ] 121 => array:9 [ "id" => 131 "tstamp" => 1671116349 "name" => "Olschok" "fname" => "Denny" "academic" => "" "position" => array:1 [ 0 => "employee_ex" ] "image" => null "hide_image" => "" "published" => "1" ] 122 => array:9 [ "id" => 274 "tstamp" => 1710259389 "name" => "Oschatz" "fname" => "Sarah" "academic" => "cand.Arch." "position" => array:1 [ 0 => "intern_ex" ] "image" => Contao\FilesModel {#1591 #arrData: array:16 [ …16] #arrModified: [] #arrRelations: [] #arrRelated: [] #blnPreventSaving: false } "hide_image" => "" "published" => "1" ] 123 => array:9 [ "id" => 48 "tstamp" => 1706788519 "name" => "Oshiro" "fname" => "Masafumi" "academic" => "M.Sc. Arch." 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- Maximilian Andersen
- Steffen Anderson
- Steffen Anderson
- Lutz Anke
- Mario Anschütz
- Sandra Anton
- Karen Bachmann
- Michael Baer
- Steffen Barnikol
- Gwendolyn Bauer
- Aline Baumann
- Marija Beloglazova
- Constance Havard Beltz
- Felix Bialek
- Kilian Bohse
- Einar Borchardt
- Dorothea Borchert
- Anja Boslau
- Helge Böttcher
- Tobias Bronner
- Christian Brüstel
- Steffen Burucker
- Mengwen Chen
- Marou Christen
- Siegrun Daliz Daliz
- Volkmar Damm
- Noëlie Delaunay
- Maren Döring
- Pauline Dubus
- René Dully
- Claire Dupré
- Marko Eckert
- Christian Ecklebe
- Daria Fedorova
- Mira Feltel
- Anton Friedrich
- Jan Barnabas Friedrich Friedrich
- Tianqi Gao
- Iduna Gehrke
- Nicole Geide
- Dominic Geppert
- Amaury Girardin
- Louise Girbal
- Luisa Göhlert
- Michel Grändorf
- Tilmann Grumbach
- Elta Gunder
- Anne Günther
- Qiang Guo
- Kawa Hamo
- Karsten Handmann
- Brygida Hanka
- Raik Hartmann
- Thomas Hartmann
- Eric Häupl
- David Haupt
- Matthias Hauschild
- Philipp Heidan
- Juliane Heisig
- Daniel Hengst
- Antonia Herschel
- Vanessa Hess
- Christoph Hesse
- Tina Heymann
- Alexander Hitz
- Anna-Helene Hofmann
- Ines Hohensee
- Kati Hohmann
- Vera Hollek
- Kirsten Julia Hörler
- Konstanze Hößel
- Kai Irlenbusch
- Florian Jährling
- Marine Jung
- Nikitas Karafotis
- Burcu Karahan
- Franziska Kestel
- Jinwoo Kim
- Sungwoo Kim
- Fabian Kirchner
- Michael Klemm
- Ines Klinkert
- Felix Koch
- Bernd Kornberger
- Lukas Kowalewski
- Julia Krafft
- Henny Krätzschmar
- Frederik Leif Kring
- Manuel Kuck
- Marc Kügler
- Frank Kunkler
- Benedek Kupi
- Lija Kusch
- Michael Kuta
- Angela Laimer
- Amelie Langkutsch
- Nicole Lätsch
- Enrico Lau
- Qiushi Li
- Taisja Lindner
- Wiebke Linek
- Andreas Lippmann
- Shifu Liu
- Juliane Lohde
- Saskia Lorenz
- Julia Löschau
- Maksymilian Macur
- Sören Mäge
- Santiago Jose Marroquin Maldonado
- Andreas Margert
- Nerea López Martin
- Christoph Mattern
- Christoph Meinhardt
- Sophie Meißner
- Elisa Menke
- Linda Mischok
- Christian Müller
- Ines Müller
- Carlos Alejandro Naranjo Astorga
- Uta Neutzner
- Jan Nordsieck
- Denny Olschok
- Sarah Oschatz
- Masafumi Oshiro
- Sebastian Otto
- Caterina Pappalardo
- Guillaume Pierre
- Katharina Preiß
- Lea Prieur
- Clara Prugger
- Markus Pucylo
- Irene Quintano
- Paul Reier
- Moritz Röhm
- Bénédicte Rosenstiehl
- René Schäfer
- Lea Schäfrig
- Lydia Schaper
- Joan Linda Scheerbaum
- Johannes Scheidemann
- Laura Schieferdecker
- Paul Schmelzer
- Sebastian Schmiedel
- Cyril Schmitt
- Hannah Schön
- Aron Schönfeld
- Anne-Sophie Schoß
- Iwan Schröder
- Sebastian Schröter
- Gerald Schumann
- Ludwig Schwarz
- Andreas Schweinert
- Stephan Seiler
- Erik Skrotzki
- Thomas Sonneborn
- Anna Spiegelsberger
- Leon Stanja
- Hannes Steinert
- Jochen Sültrup
- Merle Sundermann
- Louis Sutter
- Dimitri Telesch
- Claudia Thoss
- Michal Tomaszewski
- Jürgen Träber
- Plamen Tringov
- Susan Trommler
- Stefan Truntschka
- Berkan Türkyilmaz
- Alberto Villa del Campo
- Christine Vöhringer
- Jörg Vorwerk
- Wilma Wagner
- André Wagner
- Markus Waldert
- Rosa Walz
- Peter Weber
- Markus Weber
- Johanna Wenner
- Patrick Wenske
- Paulina Wermter
- Johannes Wiencke
- Thomas Winkler
- Torge Winkler
- Magdalena Wyczesany
- Burkhard Wyzisk
- Jiayin Xie
- Yanjun Yi
- Kangwen Yu
- Matthias Ziegler
- Carolus Zschieschang